Friday, July 12, 2013

Celebrating the 4th with a Bang...and Bling!

Anyone who knows me knows that the 4th of July is one of my favorite holiday....I mean it's right up there with Christmas, and you don't even get free stuff on the 4th, so that's really saying something.
Rewind to July 3rd. Everything was going as planned.
I got home from work and hustled to get over to the parent's house to start decorating for the family festivities the next day. I had other things to do that night like wash my hair which is a feat in itself, bake a cake I had never attempted before that would hopefully end up resembling our country's flag, and get whatever I needed to get ready to take three dogs to the parade the next morning. So knowing that in advance, I crafted a bunch of the decorations the night before, and even did a mock up of what the table would look like, so I could decorate as fast as possible. Boy did that NOT happen. I shouldn't be surprised. That's how it always goes, which is fine, just not what I had planned.
Around 10:15pm, as energy was fading and grumpiness was setting in, I got a text message from Micah's mom. It said that she and her husband were watching fireworks at Lake Overholser (by my house) and Mattie (their little maltese) had run off and they needed help finding her. So I thought, GREAT. Not good. I texted Micah and told him about the message and that he should call his mom to find out what's going on because I was still decorating and couldn't leave yet. So he said he would. (ps, he was off shopping for me at Walmart and as I later found out, also being sneaky). He asked if I was finishing up and would I be able to come help look. I said I can probably be done here in about 15 minutes but that I was really feeling stressed out about still having to make this cake and do all that other stuff I mentioned, so I really didn't want to go.
When all energy had drained completely, I finally left my parent's house around 11:00pm. As I was pulling into my driveway, Micah pulled up in his car. I asked if he was already done and said "that was fast" but he said he was just back to grab a better flashlight an to pick me up so I could go help. I said I really didn't have time to go and was just straight up so grumpy at this point. But after he asked one more time because he "really needed an extra pair of eyes in the dark", I agreed and fed the dogs who were already running two hours behind on their dinner time. Then we grabbed Monkey because I didn't want to mess with having to put him in his crate, I just wanted to get going as fast as possible so I could get back.

This is pretty much how the next 5 minutes went down while driving on the road around the lake:
Me: So which side were they on when she ran off?
Micah: Um, I'm not sure, I think the east side.
Me: You think? You don't know? Weren't you just helping them look for her?
Micah: Yeah but.....mumble
Micah: I really actually want to look on this little peninsula part, I think she may have gone that way.
Me: Micah slow down, there's a cop sitting right there
Micah: It's fine, I'm only going, well yeah I'm speeding a bit but only by a few
Micah makes a turn right in from of the cop to go to the "peninsula part"
Me: You didn't use your blinker....right in front of the cop....oh great, there's a sign that says the lake closed 30 minutes we're pulling into a closed lake....right in front of the cop
Micah: I'm sure it's fine, we'll just explain to him what's going on
Thankfully the cop couldn't care less about us and never pursued...
Me: So is this where they were? I just don't understand why we're not looking for her wherever she ran off
Micah: They were close to here
Driving on the peninsula thing....
Me: Oh my word, could this BE any more bumpy, there are rocks EVERYWHERE. Great I just got my car back from being fixed and now my tires are going to bust.

Next thing I know, I'm looking down at something Monkey is doing and the car stops abruptly. It's very dark. I look out the side window and see these two trees by themselves that are kind of canopied. I see something hanging down from them but don't know what it is, then I see a kind of flame near the ground. So I think in my head....did we just stop right in from of a homeless person's tent setup? Then I look again and again harder....then I start to notice that it's actually a giant pendant light hanging from the trees, and the flame was actually an oil lamp, on top of a tray holding flowers and glasses, which was on top of blankets and sheepskins complete with pillow backers. At this point I realize it's all stuff from my house. So after a second of being dumbfounded, I knew what was happening. I buried my face in my hands because I felt SO STUPID. I had been duped. But fortunately in the best kind of way if ever there was one.
Micah came and opened the door and as I get out I notice there is a tiny little tripod with a video camera on it tucked behind one of the trees with the red light on, just confirming what I already knew was happening. Thankfully, Micah didn't wait to long to get the ball rolling because, since I already knew I was about the get proposed to, how could I possibly carry on any sort of small talk up to that point. A proposal ensued. He took the ring out from underneath one of the pillows. I said I would have to think about it. (we've been together for 3 years so I felt this joke was inevitable) I promptly said yes and finally got to see the gorgeous ring that I had given him inspiration pictures for 2 years ago. It's a fine looking ring, I tell you what. But more importantly, we were finally engaged, and that felt awesome.
Afterwards we hung out there for a while and my eyes were opened about why it had taken him so long to propose. One problem after the other with getting the ring made, people bailing on him, etc, and turns out he had actually asked my parents' permission a year ago. So that was fun to talk about. I also found out his parents who were in on this, came and sat guard over the ring and everything while Micah came and got me, but then drove off in time so that I wouldn't notice them. Sneaky sneaky!
Also, the plan was to actually get me there about an hour and half before I actually arrived, because there were fireworks going off all around the lake in the skyline. That definitely would've been cool, but I think how it actually played out was even better. Micah wanted to actually propose on the 4th but said he thought it would be cool to already be engaged, and announce it to our family since we were seeing them all the next day. I agreed, he done good.
....and yes, I still got the cake baked with his help.

The next day I kept my ring hidden during the parade. It's our tradition to take a family photo at the end of the parade every year, so I thought this would be the opportune time to announce. Shouts, celebratory hugs, and paparazzi-worthy pictures ensued. My best friends were also there with us, taking their daughter to the parade for the first time, so it was extra special having them there to share that moment. The rest of the day was a blur.
BEST. 4th. EVER! Legen-dary.

(thanks to my sister for the pics of my decorations)